Over the past few years, many of us have had a realization that has opened our eyes. The craziest ideas and policies that have caused confusion and anger among the population did not originate from grassroots movements. Instead, they were coming from elite institutions like the Ivy League, propagated by powerful entities in the corporate, government, and media sectors.
What makes this significant is the way these ideas were packaged and presented to the public. They were marketed as ways to empower marginalized groups, support exploited workers, aid the impoverished, protect vulnerable populations, give voice to the voiceless, and more. They were often portrayed as “common sense” measures aimed at keeping people safe.
Whether the issue was trans rights, student loan forgiveness, price controls, vaccine mandates, aid to other countries, or any other cause, the common thread was a push for centralized control under the guise of helping those in need.
As information spread and media decentralized, more people began to realize that these agendas were not truly supported by the average individual. Instead, they were being pushed by privileged sectors of society who had safety nets and advantages that the majority did not.
It became clear that the progressive narrative was not as diverse as it claimed to be, and the groups backing these policies were shrinking in number. The 2024 results highlighted this shift.
It’s akin to the conclusion of a “Scooby-Doo” episode where the supposed ghost turns out to be the town mayor all along.
This awakening led people to question the experts paraded by corporate media to endorse policies aligned with corporate interests. The experience with infectious diseases and vaccines sparked widespread skepticism.
People began to see that the rules and mandates imposed on them were not grounded in grassroots support but were dictated by a small elite group seeking to control society.
This control extended beyond health concerns and seeped into everyday life, as evidenced by experiences like gender-neutral restrooms at prestigious venues. The disregard for individual preferences in favor of activist-driven policies became increasingly apparent.
It became evident that influential activists were steering the ship, dictating norms and policies that did not align with the desires of the majority.
Perhaps it’s time to reassess history through this lens.
Years ago, economist F.A. Hayek highlighted in “The Intellectuals and Socialism” that socialism was not a grassroots movement but a product of intellectuals within ruling-class circles. This pattern, he argued, extends beyond socialist ideologies to progressive policies.
Investigations into eugenic policies revealed a similar pattern: intellectuals imposing their ideals on society through questionable means.
It is undeniable that the Western world has yet to fully acknowledge and address its racist past, which was largely official, imposed, and stemming from elite origins rather than the common person. Further investigations have revealed that many institutions and policies, often labeled as populist, actually have their roots in elite, corporate, and government influences. Two notable books, Gabriel Kolko’s “The Triumph of Conservatism” and Murray Rothbard’s “The Progressive Era,” shed light on the corporate and old-money origins of many policies during the Progressive reform period.
With the abundance of information available today, it is easier to discern the truth behind historical events and societal structures. This newfound understanding challenges the long-held belief that the common person cannot be trusted with freedom and decision-making, highlighting the importance of individual agency and autonomy. The current global shift towards what is often labeled as “populism” reflects a growing awareness among the public of being misled by those with vested interests.
As voting patterns and opinions continue to evolve, it is clear that a paradigm shift is underway, with people questioning the narratives they have been fed for centuries. This awakening signifies a turning point in history, where the truth is being unveiled, and the public is reclaiming its power and autonomy.
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