Based on a popular manga series and a classic 1990s anime, Rurouni Kenshin follows the story of Himura Kenshin, a renowned assassin who has sworn off killing. Beyond the samurai adventures, this new anime provides a glimpse into a country undergoing significant change.
Set in 1878 after the Meiji Restoration, Rurouni Kenshin vividly portrays Japan’s shift from feudalism to modernity and the obstacles faced during this period. Kenshin’s own history is intertwined with this transformation as he fought against an oppressive societal structure and a militaristic regime that had isolated Japan for centuries. However, the new era brings its own challenges with government corruption and ethical dilemmas. Kenshin, burdened by his past actions, becomes a wandering samurai known as a rurouni, offering protection to those in need.
Initially driven by resistance to change, Kenshin’s adversaries undergo a transformation throughout the narrative, embracing the possibilities brought by technological advancements.
Rurouni Kenshin skillfully integrates these weighty themes into its characters’ backgrounds while delivering thrilling sword fights. It’s no wonder that this tale of redemption has captivated global audiences for nearly thirty years.