In 2010, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. experienced memory loss and mental fogginess, raising concerns of a brain tumor. After consultations with top neurologists, a dark spot was noticed on his brain scans, leading to a diagnosis of a tumor. However, another doctor believed it was a dead parasite in his head, causing the abnormality. Despite facing serious health issues like atrial fibrillation, Kennedy has portrayed his athleticism as an advantage in his independent presidential campaign.
Kennedy’s health struggles also included mercury poisoning from consuming fish with high levels of the metal. He underwent chelation therapy to address this. Additionally, he had a parasitic infection in his brain, possibly a pork tapeworm larva, which can cause memory loss and other neurological issues. Kennedy’s heart issues, triggered by stress and lack of sleep, led to hospitalizations and treatment with a defibrillator.
Kennedy also disclosed his contraction of hepatitis C through intravenous drug use in his youth, although he has been treated with no lingering effects. He has been vocal about his struggles with spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological disorder affecting his vocal cords. Despite these health challenges, Kennedy has taken steps to address them and continue his political aspirations.
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