Climate Action Summit in 2019, she was not appealing to scientific knowledge or rational debate. She was appealing to emotion and fear, hoping to provoke a massive and immediate response. And in that, she certainly succeeded. But at what cost?
A Generation Lost to Climate Anxiety

with your analysis and recommendations for more sustainable climate communication and policy-making.
All Is Not Lost
When Greta Thunberg claimed at a climate conference that those in power had “stolen her childhood,” she was right, but not in the way she thought. As children weep in the streets during highly managed Extinction Rebellion or Just Stop Oil campaigns, it begs the question: is there another direction for us to take? How can we inspire the next generation to be a force for innovation and positive change, rather than feeding them a steady diet of nihilism, hate, and anxiety? There are steps we can take to frame the future of humanity in a more positive light.
Here are some ideas on how to prevent malignant activism from eroding the hopes of humanity:
- Youth need positive mentors who offer solutions rather than acrimony. Scientists, professors, and influencers can play a crucial role in this.
- We need to tell more positive stories. While the media may focus on individuals like Greta, there are other young people, like Boyan Slat of Ocean Cleanup, whose achievements are truly inspirational but often overlooked. A more balanced and transparent approach to media reporting is overdue.
- The tech, business, and medical research sectors have venture capitalists who support young innovators. A similar approach is needed for environmental health researchers to foster innovation and success.
- Tort reform in the United States is necessary to address the negative impact of public hatred towards fossil fuel companies, which is being exploited by law firms for financial gain.
- We must better communicate the achievements and success stories of capitalism, rather than resorting to extreme measures like dismantling industries or restricting global trade.
These steps are essential in helping the public find a balance between humanity and environmental concerns. By shifting the narrative from one of bitterness and acrimony to a challenge for innovators to propel humanity forward, we can create a more hopeful and inspiring climate narrative.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
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