In the latest Democratic nomination contests, President Joe Biden secured victories in both Wyoming and Alaska, further solidifying his lead in the race for reelection. While these states have relatively small populations and limited influence in national elections, Biden’s wins in these contests have helped him secure the Democratic nomination, setting the stage for a showdown with former President Donald Trump in the general election.
The Alaska Democrats conducted a preference poll during in-person and virtual district meetings, with Biden emerging as the winner of 15 pledged delegates. The vote was held following the suspension of Dean Phillips’ campaign, leaving Biden as the sole candidate on the ballot. Despite the limited options, the Alaska Democratic Party proceeded with the vote to ensure inclusivity and transparency.
Changes to the original election plan were approved by the Democratic National Committee, allowing for a voice vote to determine the delegate allocation in Alaska.
In Wyoming, Biden also emerged victorious, securing the state’s 17 national delegates through a polling process. The caucuses in Wyoming also determined the delegates who will attend the state Democratic convention, where 13 national convention delegates will be chosen. Additionally, Wyoming has four “automatic” national delegates, including the state party chairman and vice chair, who are yet to pledge their support to any candidate.
With these wins in Alaska and Wyoming, President Joe Biden continues to strengthen his position as the Democratic nominee for the upcoming presidential election, setting the stage for a highly anticipated showdown with former President Donald Trump.
By Becky Bohrer and Mead Gruver