This is the bizarre moment a bungling burglar is caught by a ‘Home Alone-style’ bucket trap.
Paul Howell, 56, is seen on CCTV prowling around the back of a house at around 3 a.m. on Nov. 9 last year.
He was spooked when he tripped over a string tied to a bucket of water which tipped over and soaked his shoes.
Howell fled the detached property in Bondicar Terrace in Blyth, Northumberland, but was caught days later.
The savvy homeowners laid the simple trap at their home which had been targeted several times before.

When they spotted the upturned bucket they checked their CCTV and contacted police.
Officers recognised prolific crook Howell and arrested him at his home in Blyth.
He was also charged in connection with two separate burglary offences the following week at another address on Laburnum Avenue in the town.
On that occasion, the burglar forced entry into the property before stealing jewellery and bicycles.
Howell admitted attempted burglary and burglary at Newcastle Crown Court and was jailed for three years and seven months on Monday (17/2).