California’s major cities, especially the seat of its major counties, are facing significant financial challenges.
Los Angeles city controller Kenneth Mejia has warned of a potential “fiscal emergency” for the city, likely worsened by recent wildfires.
These cities must prioritize timely financial reporting and fiscal reform to address their growing deficits. Senate Bill 595 has been introduced to encourage cities to improve their financial reporting practices.
Addressing the influence of public employee unions on city governance is crucial, as it often leads to unsustainable salary increases and benefits. Implementing long-term financial planning and transparency measures, as seen in Newport Beach, can help cities navigate their fiscal challenges.
Tough decisions, including budget cuts and potential bankruptcy filings, may be necessary for these cities to regain financial stability. It’s crucial for city leadership to act responsibly and prioritize the long-term financial health of their communities.
Please enter Federal Bankruptcy Court with a comprehensive plan to tackle pension and other unfunded liabilities. Stockton successfully eliminated its retiree medical plan and erased $500 million in liabilities from its balance sheet. Transitioning to a shared risk defined benefit plan going forward is crucial, as demonstrated by Wisconsin’s fully funded pension system that has been in place for decades.
Consider disincorporating all cities, except for San Francisco, which is already a county. By dissolving the city, removing its elected leadership, and allowing the county’s board of supervisors to take over, mismanaged cities can begin to address their self-inflicted deficits.
Financial difficulties often stem from mismanagement, misjudgment, or misfortune. It’s time for California’s cities to stop making excuses and start taking serious steps towards proper management.
Please note that the views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
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