When I think of the word chauvinism, I immediately associate it with sexism, although it can also refer to biased support for any group. Historically, it was linked to…
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"Camp Unknown" is overseen by a local couple who witnessed an increase in citizen disaster…
Former President Donald Trump was asked about the possibility of eliminating the federal income tax…
A federal judge in Texas has dismissed a previous $847 million verdict against Verizon alleging…
A tragic incident occurred at a party hosted at an event center in Oklahoma City,…
 When thinking of the word gregarious, we often associate it with outgoing individuals. However, its origins date back to…
 The term alibi was first recorded in Edward Grimestone's 1612 work General History of Spain, where it held the…
 Maurice Ravel's renowned orchestral composition Bolero (a personal favorite of mine) is inspired by a traditional Spanish dance style…
The term portcullis first appeared in the 1330 verse romance Arthur and Merlin, originally spelled as port colice, with the…
 In Greek mythology, Atlas was the Titan tasked with holding up the heavens, and, today, an atlas is a…
Did “word” once rhyme with “afford” and “sword,” as it seems to do in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 79 and A Midsummer…
 When the term crony (also spelled cronie, chrony, cronee, and croney originally) appeared in university slang during the years…
 ​The term tradition was first introduced in the 1384 John Wycliffe Bible as tradicioun, meaning "the action of imparting…
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