Forecasting the Future of HR
When it comes to human resources (HR) topics, there are many speculations about what the future holds. Let’s explore some of these topics and make educated guesses about what may happen. Use phrases like “I think that’s exactly right” and “I wouldn’t go that far/ I’d go further. I’d say that…” to express your level of certainty or doubt. Take turns discussing different predictions with your peers.
agency workers AI at work being absent bonuses contractors diversity efficiency female directors flexitime freelancers graduate recruits headhunting hotdesking internships job ads jobs for life job sharing maternity leave MBAs mentoring mid-career recruits online training outsourcing overtime paternity leave pensions restructuring retirement salaries/ wages sick days staff turnover staff numbers telecommuting temp staff union membership working hours work-life balance
could possibly is likely to is unlikely to may may well might might well probably won’t will (definitely) will almost certainly will almost certainly not will probably (definitely) won’t
accelerate be achieved be a problem be boosted be cut be outdated be trendy be unstable become… boom change continue decline disappear dive expand fall back flatten out gain… get better get worse grow have problems improve increase keep on… lengthen lose… pass its peak peak rebound shrink slow down stay the same
this year this… next year next… by the end of this year by 2030 by the end of… by the middle of… by the start of… by… within five years within… in 2029 in May (this year) in spring (next year) in… at… on…
Share a prediction you agreed on and see if other groups agree.
Ask about anything you don’t understand, working together to make related speculations. Then discuss telework as a class.