The world is in chaos. It’s messy, it’s chaotic, and it’s about to be turned upside down by artificial intelligence. Legacy media is fading away, and politics is like a revolving door. If you’re looking for some sense in all this madness, Reason is here to provide a consistent voice.
If you value intellectual honesty and consistency, consider donating today. Thanks to a generous challenge grant, every $1 you donate turns into $2 for the next $30,000 of contributions.
For decades, Reason has stood by its principles, advocating for radical changes to entitlements, free trade, criminal justice reform, immigrant rights, and school choice. We may not always be popular, but we’re always consistent.
Consistency doesn’t mean predictability. We welcome disagreements and value diverse perspectives, even if they challenge our libertarian principles.
We don’t play politics like a team sport. We stay true to our values and report fairly without taking sides. We’re outside the political binary, just like our supporters and audience.
As part of our 2024 Webathon, we’re asking for your help to keep Reason consistent and independent. Your donation will ensure we continue to be a voice for free minds and free markets.
Your support, matched by a generous grant, not only keeps us going but also gets you some cool swag. From “Abolish Everything” t-shirts to Reason blankets, there’s something for everyone who donates $50 or more.
Thanks to your generosity, we’ve exceeded our $400,000 goal. Our new target is $600,000!
Today is the day to donate if you support the consistent defense of freedom and want some cozy blankets too.