“Fly Me to the Moon” is a unique romantic comedy set against the backdrop of NASA’s moon missions, where a hunky flight director and a marketing wizard must navigate a world of federal funding disputes and conspiracy theories about faking the moon landing.
While the premise has potential and the lead actors provide star power, the film falls short due to a lackluster script and scattered storyline, resulting in a failed launch.
The movie sheds light on the controversial perception of the moon missions as a wasteful federal program, but introduces a White House operative and a marketing guru to improve public support for NASA’s mission.
However, the film’s attempt to blend seriousness with silliness, particularly in the subplot about faking the moon landing, feels disjointed and fails to take off.
Despite the charm of the lead actors, “Fly Me to the Moon” struggles to soar, raising concerns about the future of big-screen romances in Hollywood’s landscape dominated by smaller-scale streaming productions.