If we delve deeper into the history of standardized exams, however, we find that this argument is not entirely accurate. In reality, abolishing standardized exams serves the interests of the elite class and may exclude minorities and certain social groups from advancing socially.
However, without standardized exams, the selection process may become biased towards personal connections rather than merit. Reference letters, already influential in professions like medicine and law, could become even more crucial in the absence of standardized tests.
In essence, ending standardized tests may not benefit students as intended but rather perpetuate elitism and favoritism in admissions processes.
Ultimately, the abandonment of standardized testing may result in arbitrary admission decisions, potentially disadvantaging certain minority groups in the long run.
Skin tone is not indicative of the true narrative here.
The reality in North American society is the emergence of a class system. Those advocating for the elimination of standardized testing are essentially aiming to determine who gains entry into their educated elite class. They are seeking to limit access and establish a self-selecting aristocracy.
The only tool that ensures equal opportunities for individuals with academic potential to access higher education, professions, and government positions is standardized exams. Disregarding them poses a significant risk.
Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and may not align with those of The Epoch Times.