The woman from Michigan was terminated from her position in 2022. A former employee of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Lisa Domski, was awarded over $12 million in damages after being fired due to a COVID-19 vaccination issue. The jury awarded her $10 million in punitive damages, along with $1 million in non-economic damages, $1.375 million in front pay damages, and $315,000 in back pay damages. They found that the company unlawfully discriminated against Domski by denying her exemption request from the vaccination policy and terminating her employment. Domski’s attorney, Noah S. Hurwitz, expressed gratitude for the jury’s decision, stating that the company’s termination of her after 38 years of service was unjust. Blue Cross Blue Shield stated that they are disappointed with the verdict and are reviewing their legal options. The trial revealed that the company denied more than 500 religious accommodation requests and terminated multiple employees for vaccine refusal. Domski’s complaint, filed in federal court in eastern Michigan in 2023, detailed her sincere religious beliefs that prevented her from getting the COVID-19 vaccine and the company’s dismissive handling of her request. Blue Cross Blue Shield claimed they did not discriminate against Domski and disputed the sincerity of her religious beliefs.
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Jury Awards $12.6 Million to Woman Fired for Not Receiving COVID Vaccine

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