Improving listening skills in English can be challenging, especially if you’re not practicing effectively. Simply watching subtitled videos may not have much impact. This article offers practical advice on overcoming common issues with understanding spoken English, such as selecting appropriate learning materials and using them effectively.
I can’t catch the key words when I’m listening/ I can’t catch the key information when I’m listening
When listening in English, focus on the key words that carry the most important information. These words are usually stressed more, making them stand out. Avoid trying to catch every single word, as it can be overwhelming. Instead, engage in activities with simple comprehension questions that require short answers with only the key words. Practicing shadow reading can also help you identify stressed words and improve your overall understanding.
While graded listening materials are beneficial, challenge yourself by listening to more difficult content like short news bulletins. This will force you to concentrate on the essential key words.
I get tired after a few minutes of listening
If you feel fatigued while listening, take a break and engage in other activities like learning vocabulary. Gradually increase the length of your listening sessions each week until you can comfortably listen for longer periods. Consider listening at different times of the day when your mind is fresh. Avoid focusing on understanding every single word, especially if it hinders your progress.
For exams with extended listening sections like IELTS, practice listening to complete papers without interruptions to build endurance.
I could understand it if I was reading, but I can’t understand when I listen
If you struggle to understand spoken English despite being proficient in reading, it may be due to expecting pronunciation to match spelling. Utilize phonemic script to transcribe the actual pronunciation of challenging words. Focus on silent letters, spelling rules, and how sounds change in connected speech. Practice mimicking native speakers’ natural speech patterns to enhance comprehension.
I find particular accents more difficult to understand
If certain accents pose challenges, consider avoiding them until your listening skills improve. Alternatively, expose yourself to more practice with those accents through movies, podcasts, or news broadcasts. Verify if it’s a specific example causing difficulty rather than the entire accent.
I lose concentration when I’m listening
To maintain focus while listening, use comprehension questions, limit listening time, and choose optimal listening times. Avoid background noise distractions and consider engaging in pronunciation exercises to enhance active listening skills.
Switching up your listening content, such as exploring music, comedy, or podcasts on topics of interest, can prevent boredom during practice sessions. If required to listen to specific materials, try changing the environment to a more stimulating location.
I heard that it’s good to listen to the same thing again, but I find it too boring when the content isn’t new
If repetition becomes tedious, wait longer between listening sessions or explore similar content to maintain engagement. It’s essential to focus and actively listen to derive benefits from practice.
I can understand a small number of speakers, but get lost if there are more people in a meeting etc
Struggling to follow conversations with multiple speakers is common. Gradually expose yourself to larger groups to build tolerance. Prepare by listening to panel shows or group discussions to familiarize yourself with varied speaking dynamics.
Background noise makes it impossible for me to understand
Similar to handling conversations with multiple speakers, gradually acclimate yourself to background noise levels. Experiment with listening to materials featuring natural background noise to improve your listening skills.
I still can’t understand even after I read the transcript
If comprehension remains challenging after reading transcripts, focus on expanding your vocabulary. Memorize new words from listening materials, and utilize phonemic script for accurate pronunciation.
I find it too difficult to understand the things that I (have to/ try to) listen to
For detailed strategies on simplifying listening tasks, refer to another comprehensive article on the topic.