Little Jimmy is a miniature horse who thinks he’s a dog. He loves nothing more than going for walks with his gang of canine buddies, trotting alongside them like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
Of all Jimmy’s doggy friends, he likes the miniature dachshunds best.
“I don’t know if it’s a mini-to-mini thing,” Jimmy’s owner, Siobhan O’Kelly, 32, told The Epoch Times, “but he loves the miniature sausages.”

Courtesy of Siobhan O’Kelly – Wild Walks

According to O’Kelly, who works as a professional dog walker and trainer in Devon, UK, the small dogs used to be “quite aggressive” towards the friendly pony but soon came to love him back.
“They would want to eat him—they were out to kill him, especially Norman,” she said. “But now, they walk by his side or just leave him alone. I’ve actually given them horseback rides as well, so they stand on his back and have a little ride on him—that seems to really help with their training.”

Courtesy of Siobhan O’Kelly – Wild Walks
O’Kelly has studied equine management at a renowned equine college in Gloucestershire and is experienced in natural horsemanship. Five years ago, O’Kelly got Jimmy to help her train dogs to not chase livestock and horses.
According to his owner, the young gelding rarely canters or gallops in the presence of the dogs. Instead, he enjoys pottering around and trotting along with them. His owner attributes this behavior to his young age and the fact that he’s a boy horse.
Jimmy’s favorite companion among the dogs is a Jack Russell terrier named Delilah. The two are constantly affectionate towards each other, always kissing and following each other around.
O’Kelly, a passionate animal lover and a dog and horse trainer, stumbled into her profession accidentally while working as a nanny. She first started working with horses when she acquired a rescue pony named Jigsaw, who now lives with Jimmy.
O’Kelly loves her work and couldn’t imagine a life without animals. She enjoys being entertained by Jimmy’s daily antics and shared that he loves being part of group photos with the dogs.
If he notices a group photo being taken without him, he will charge over to join in because he doesn’t want to miss out on the fun. Can you please rewrite this sentence for me?
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