In recent years, the term poggers (or pog for short) has become popular among young people as an expression of excitement. Originating in the Twitch livestreaming community, the term is based on a reaction emote that has been in use since early 2017. The term poggers is a playful combination of PogChamp, another emote featuring an excited man’s face, and Pepe the Frog, who is also depicted smiling in the poggers emote.
The name PogChamp is derived from a 2011 video showcasing a game called Pogs, which involves using milk or juice caps as game pieces. One of the juices used in the game was a tropical drink called POG, representing its key ingredients: Pomegranate, Orange, and Guava. Since its introduction, the term poggers has quickly gained popularity as a meme, reaching its peak usage in late 2020 before gradually declining. It’s fascinating to see how a simple juice name has evolved over time.