Reading is an essential activity when learning a foreign language, especially for expanding vocabulary and improving grammar skills. However, it can be challenging to read consistently and effectively. This article offers tips to overcome common difficulties encountered while reading in a second language.
I read too slowly
If you struggle with reading slowly, there are techniques to help you read faster. These include breaking the habit of reading slowly, predicting content before reading, and using dictionaries sparingly.
I don’t read enough
To increase your reading time, eliminate distractions like electronic devices. Set aside dedicated time each day to read, reward yourself for meeting reading goals, and challenge yourself with graded readers.
I don’t enjoy reading
To make reading more enjoyable, try reading entertaining content like comics, switch to a different material if you get bored, share your reading experience with others, and listen to music while reading.
I give up on reading in English
If you find a text boring or too challenging, it’s okay to abandon it and find something more suitable. Opt for reading materials that match your level and interests, such as graded readers or content related to your favorite topics.
I fall asleep while I’m reading
To prevent falling asleep while reading, avoid reading in bed and create a comfortable reading environment. If drowsiness persists, switch to more engaging content like a mystery novel.
I drift off while I’m reading/ I lose concentration while reading
It’s normal to lose focus occasionally, especially during lengthy descriptions. Stay alert by reading at your peak energy times and consider reading aloud to improve concentration.
I can’t scan when I’m reading
Scanning text for specific information is a valuable skill, but it may not always be applicable. Practice scanning for numbers and distinctive words to enhance this skill.
I can’t skim when I’m reading
Improve your skimming technique by grasping the main idea of paragraphs before moving on. Skimming should be swift, like skimming a stone across water.
I can’t find the right part of the text/ I can’t find the information I’m looking for
Utilize skimming and scanning skills to locate information efficiently. Assume the questions are in order and focus on relevant sections of the text.
I get confused by long sentences/ complex sentences when I’m reading
To tackle complex sentences, break them down by identifying subjects, verbs, and other key elements. Link related parts of the text to improve comprehension.
I don’t understand the main message when reading
Enhance your ability to grasp the main message by engaging in non-fiction reading for pleasure. Practice identifying the writer’s tone and intended message.
I don’t understand nuances when I’m reading
Grasp nuances by choosing graded texts and using an English-English dictionary. Pay attention to word connotations and seek clarification on unfamiliar collocations.
I don’t understand the cultural background/ cultural references when I’m reading
Improve cultural comprehension by researching unfamiliar references and topics. Use resources like encyclopedias to enhance your understanding.
I keep getting multiple-choice comprehension questions wrong
Avoid common traps in multiple-choice questions by considering context and rephrasing. Practice underlining key words and brainstorming alternative phrasings before reading.
I take too long to answer reading comprehension questions
Improve your speed by skimming, scanning, and analyzing question wording. Focus on relevant information and avoid over-analyzing.
I don’t understand what is being referred to in the text
Practice identifying references in texts by underlining and analyzing pronouns and relative clauses. Enhance your comprehension skills by focusing on contextual clues.