Exploring the Influence of Religion on Calendars, Culture, Healthcare Systems, and Politics
Delving into the myriad ways in which religion permeates our society, influencing our culture, politics, and even daily routines, Megan Goodwin and Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst, authors of Religion Is Not Done with You: Or, the Hidden Power of Religion on Race, Maps, Bodies, and Law, join us to shed light on how religion shapes fundamental aspects of our lives, from the structure of our calendars to the functioning of our healthcare systems and legal frameworks. They explore how concepts such as adoption are intertwined with religious beliefs and discuss the implications of overlooking the role of religion in addressing social injustices. As we become more attuned to the pervasive presence of religion in society, what steps can we take to foster a more equitable and just world?
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We invite you to tune in to the latest episode of the Revealer podcast: “Religion Is Everywhere and Why That Matters.”