Tag: Dems

Dems’ hateful rhetoric and Trump’s latest shooter: Letters

The Issue: Miranda Devine’s column accusing the left of stoking violence through anti-Trump rhetoric. After comparisons to Hitler…

The Post endorses Albany DA David Soares — who was right that Dems would increase crime

In the Albany County District Attorney race, The Post endorses incumbent DA David Soares as a voice of…

NYC crime wave continues with 21K-plus shoplifting complaints for 2024 so far, all thanks to lefty Dems

Don’t believe pro-crime progressives when they lie about public safety here in NYC: This year so far has…

Sicko who punched 9-year-old girl was enabled by soft-on-crime Dems

What kind of sicko sucker-punches a child? Better question: What kind of depraved society helps him do it?…

NY Assembly Republicans demand Dems get tough on crime, bash Carl Heastie’s stance on penalties

Republicans in the New York state Assembly criticized Democrats for being soft on crime and urged the passing…