Tag: thieves

LA’s glowing, $500 million bridge is dark and graffiti-covered after thieves stole the copper wire

LOS ANGELES — This is why LA can’t have nice things. Last weekend, vandals in Los Angeles painted…

Busted thieves baffled by ‘new laws’ in California that make shoplifting a felony, police video shows

An incident in California where a shoplifter faced the possibility of a felony charge under new laws that…

Ohio thieves swipe 100 right-footed shoes from Sole Bros in Cincinnati

What a sole-less crime. Three brazen thieves stole over 100 right-footed shoes during a booze-fueled robbery as the…

Fed-up California woman sends herself Apple Airtag to catch mail thieves

A California woman who was tired of having her mail stolen repeatedly helped police catch two thieves by…

California thieves strike 3 7-Eleven stores in under 20 minutes hours after Gavin Newsom signed ‘landmark’ package to curb smash-and-grab crime

A California bike mob targeted three 7-Eleven stores in under 20 minutes Just hours after Democratic Gov. Gavin…

Brooklyn vintage shop hit by shoplifters fights back with art installation of thieves’ photos

They've been framed! A vintage market in Brooklyn has fallen victim to repeated thefts in recent months, prompting…