Tasmania’s Premier Jeremy Rockliff has acknowledged the message sent by voters in the recent election, describing it as “a kick up the backside.” Despite the Liberal Party’s inability to secure a majority government with only 14 seats, Rockliff expressed his excitement about working with the diverse new parliament.
The makeup of the Tasmanian parliament includes 10 Labor seats, five Greens, three Jacqui Lambie Network, and three independents, alongside the Liberals. Rockliff, who called for an early election to secure majority government, emphasized his eagerness to collaborate with the expanded parliament, which he believes truly represents the voters’ choices.
“I’m excited about this parliament,” Rockliff told reporters, acknowledging the need to reflect on the voters’ feedback. He expressed his commitment to working with the diverse composition of the parliament and embracing the opportunity it presents.
Rockliff also highlighted his positive discussions with members of the Jacqui Lambie Network and independents, emphasizing the importance of respecting the will of the Tasmanian people and focusing on the tasks at hand.
The election results showed a significant portion of Tasmanians voting outside the two major parties, with the Liberals receiving 37 percent of the primary vote and Labor 29 percent. Labor conceded its inability to form government shortly after the election, leading to the formation of a crossbench that includes independents David O’Byrne, Kristie Johnston, and Craig Garland.
Craig Garland, who described himself as an “anti-politician,” secured the final seat on the crossbench and pledged to bring a fresh perspective to the parliament. Senator Jacqui Lambie also expressed her party’s commitment to providing stability and promoting integrity and transparency in Tasmania’s political landscape.
With each of Tasmania’s five electorates represented by seven MPs under the Hare-Clark proportional voting system, the new parliament is poised to bring a diverse range of voices to the table and work towards serving the interests of all Tasmanians.