The Pentagon spokesperson stated that Ukraine has the right to defend themselves by firing back. Ukrainian forces are authorized by the Biden administration to use U.S.-donated weapons to strike Russian troops inside Russia’s borders if they are launching attacks on Ukrainian territory. This policy extends beyond just the Kharkiv area and includes a general “counter-fire” permission. President Biden and other Western supporters have recently allowed Ukrainian forces to use the donated weapons to strike across the border, specifically targeting Russian forces massing on the Russian side of the border before attacking Ukraine. However, the permission does not include longer-range weapons that could hit Moscow. The National Security Adviser confirmed that Ukrainian forces can strike anywhere Russian forces are crossing the border into Ukraine to take more territory, including regions like Sumy. The U.S. policy still opposes longer-ranged Ukrainian strikes inside Russia. In addition to seeking permission to strike inside Russia, Ukraine has requested more air defense systems to intercept Russian attacks over Ukrainian airspace. The United States has agreed to prioritize Ukraine for new air defense missiles to enhance their capabilities in the ongoing conflict. Please rewrite this sentence.
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US Says Ukraine Can Strike ‘Anywhere’ Inside Russia Where Cross-Border Attacks Emanate

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