Former President Donald Trump visited his golf club in the wealthy coastal city of Rancho Palos Verdes on Sept. 13. He stated that if reelected, he would focus on reducing illegal border crossings and referred to himself as “the border president.” During a press appearance at his golf club, Trump discussed his plans to address border issues in California and the U.S., including pushing back on sanctuary cities. He also addressed the ongoing landslides in Rancho Palos Verdes and pledged to provide assistance to residents affected by the crisis. Additionally, Trump mentioned his intentions to improve relationships with California officials, implement a new voting system, and make the state more business-friendly if reelected. The taxes in this area are excessively high. Former President Trump recently inquired with Elon Musk if any California officials had contacted him following his announcement to relocate his business, to which Musk responded negatively. Despite his sadness about speaking negatively about California, Trump believes there are actions that can be taken to improve the state’s business environment, such as lowering taxes. He also highlighted the high cost of living in California compared to the national average. Trump expressed his concerns about forest fires and water shortages in the state and proposed solutions like better forest management and water infrastructure. He urged Californians to vote for him, promising safety, border security, and improved water access. Trump also mentioned placing conditions on federal funding to California based on his reelection plans, which drew criticism from Governor Newsom. Newsom accused Trump of withholding emergency disaster funds for political reasons, warning that other states could face similar consequences. Please rewrite this sentence.
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‘Vote for Me, California’: Trump Promises Safety, Secured Border, More Water

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