Xmas options irregular plurals practice
With a partner, discuss the best options on lines below, starting with any that you have strong opinions on.
- Make a snowman in the front garden/ Make two snowmen in the front garden/ Make a snowman and a snowwoman in the front garden/ Make many snowmen and snowwomen in the front garden
- A reindeer model with four feet on the ground/ A reindeer model with three feet on the ground/ A reindeer model with two hooves on the ground
- Presents only for the children in the family/ Presents for all the people in the family
- Postmen delivering Xmas cards etc on Xmas Day/ Postmen having the day off on Xmas day
- Schoolchildren having a Christian Xmas celebration/ Schoolchildren having a non-religious celebration
- Leaving a Xmas present for the mouse or mice who live in the walls of your house/ Catching the mice before Xmas so you don’t have to worry about them during the winter holidays
- One person carving the whole turkey into thin slices/ Supplying steak knives for people to cut up their own section of the turkey with
- One loaf of bread for sandwiches made from the leftover turkey/ Two loaves of bread for sandwiches made from the leftover turkey
- A Xmas wreath made from real holly leaves/ A Xmas wreath made from plastic holly leaves
- Sending Xmas cards to fellow alumni, childhood friends, family friends, etc/ Only sending Xmas cards to people you have contact with now like current business contacts and neighbours
- One turkey per family/ Going halves on a turkey with another family
- Xmas in planes based on the time zone that the aircraft left from/ Xmas in planes based on the time zone that the aircraft will arrive in/ Xmas in planes based on the time zone that the aircraft are flying over
- A sleigh pulled by one reindeer on your roof/ A sleigh pulled by two reindeer on your roof/ A sleigh pulled by four reindeer on your roof/ A sleigh pulled by twelve reindeer on your roof
- Turkey every year/ Trying different species of birds each year (from geese, ducks, grouse, etc)
- Roast birds every year/ Trying different kinds of meat every year (from wild boar, salmon, trout, caribou/ moose, reindeer, deer, etc)
- The same school Xmas celebration every year/ School Xmas celebrations based on the same criteria every year/ School Xmas celebrations decided by referenda
- Just Santa in a department store/ Santa and Mrs Santa in a department store/ Santa and an elf in a department store/ Santa and some elves in a department store
Tell the class one option that you agreed on in your group and see if other people agree.
Ask about any options above that you couldn’t understand, couldn’t decide on, etc, discussing the best option as a class each time.
Irregular plurals presentation
Without help, change any irregular nouns below that can be or should be changed into the plural form. Some lines need more than one change, but some need no changes.
Make many snowmen and snowwomen in the front garden
A reindeer model with four feet on the ground
A reindeer model with two hooves on the ground
Presents only for the children in the family
Presents for all the people in the family
Postmen delivering Xmas cards etc on Xmas Day
Schoolchildren having a Christian Xmas celebration
Leaving a Xmas present for the mice who live in the walls of your house
Supplying steak knives for people to cut up their own section of the turkey with
Two loaves of bread for sandwiches made from the leftover turkey
A Xmas wreath made from real holly leaves
Sending Xmas cards to fellow alumni, childhood friends, family friends, etc
Going halves on a turkey with another family
Xmas in planes based on the time zone that the aircraft left from
A sleigh pulled by two reindeer on your roof
Trying different species of birds each year (from geese, ducks, grouse, etc)
Trying different kinds of meat every year (from wild boar, salmon, trout, caribou/ moose, reindeer, deer, etc)
School Xmas celebrations based on the same criteria every year
School Xmas celebrations decided by referenda
Santa and some elves in a department store
Check above. Other answers may be possible, so please check if you wrote something different. Then try to work out patterns in irregular plurals.